Balance Testing (VNG)


Videonystagmography (VNG) is a technique used to measure and record a patient's eye movements, including nystagmus, during a variety of tasks and conditions. VNG includes computer analysis of eye movements.  VNG has become a standard in balance assessment and uses infrared video technology to record eye movement while the patient's eyes are open in darkness. Completing testing in dark minimizes the possibility that nystagmus will be suppressed by visual fixation. VNG technology may be used when conducting oculomotor tests, positional and positioning tests, and/or caloric tests.

* You will be wearing goggles equipped with infrared cameras that measure and record eye movement through video image processing. 
* There are three sections to the test:  the light bar tests, the positional tests and the caloric tests.
* During the caloric testing, warm and cool air will be gently blown into your ear.  The air may give you a floating sensation.

* Wear comfortable clothing as you will be lying on a table.
* You may wish to bring someone along to drive you home.
* Do NOT wear eye makeup (it interferes with the camera recordings).
* NON-DIABETIC PATIENTS: You may eat a light meal 3 hours before the test.

Alcohol and certain medications will effect the test results.  You must stop the intake of alcohol and discontinue the following medications 48 hours prior to the test:
* Anti-depressants/anxiety medications    
* Anti-nausea medications
* Anti-vertigo medications     
* Tranquilizers    
* Antihistamines (cold & allergy medicines)   
* "Sleeping pills"/Sedatives    
* Prescription pain medications  


For more information, please visit American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.